Sponsor RTDS – feel good, get the message out!

Now is the time to sponsor shows on RTDS!
We hate the thought of having commercials….we do, we ‘get’ it. We want to be respectful of you and your time. And we want to be different. But we also need to be viable.
Our listeners can hear your sponsorship on the on-demand player, or now on the live stream. The potential audience for your product or service is thousands!
Talk to us about our affordable sponsor rates, which include graphics and links on the main pages, every page, plus with our extended package, your logo will appear when someone launches a show in the on-demand player!
The time is now…
Why sponsor programs on RTDS?
- Because we can get your product or service OUT THERE – globally! In 2008, internet advertising SURPASSED terrestrial radio for the first time! Read article 1, article 2 and article 3
- Our listeners tend to listen for longer periods.
- We offer on-demand programming, so that listeners will hear your sponsorship again and again!
- We are partnered with several high-traffic web sites, meaning more eyeballs end up here!
- We are commercial-free, but not sponsor-free. This means that the average music lover appreciates the fact that the music is uninterrupted. We mention your product or service up to three times per show. We also give our sponsors prime web real estate. You can sponsor 1 or more shows, or the station, and can get mentioned on all our shows!
- We are soon rolling out a new website, with local searches, and local info, so no matter where you OR our listeners are, they can find local information.
Why support RTDS?
- Because you can’t find this library anywhere else!
- Our shows are programmed by people that really love music.
- We offer on-demand programming, that you can enjoy again and again.
- We have higher quality than satellite, and a deeper playlist.
- Satellite charges between $8-$16 per month!
- We’re available worldwide, take that satellite!
- We take requests, dedications and shout-outs!
- We have a “Lost Pet” board! (kidding)
- Without your support, we’d be blowin’ in the wind!
How can you support RTDS?
- Make a donation of any amount, whenever you can.
- Sign up for a recurring monthly donation, of one of the amounts below. We will be offering a cool RTDS t-shirt as our thanks for our top level Premium subscribers, and a shoutout for all others!
- Spread the word via social media!
Help RadioThatDoesntSuck.com from sucking!
$2 per month recurring Subscriber
$5 per month recurring Subscriber
$10 per month Premium recurring Subscriber
$15 per month Premium recurring Subscriber
$20 per month Premium recurring Subscriber
Choose your donation amount – from $1 to $100,000! If you are giving us that much, we need to talk!